Shower of Blessing

To celebrate our anniversary, Tony and I spent 2 lovely days at the Jersey shore. After a day of salt, sand and surf, my time in the shower was awesome, not just cleansing, but revitalizing. My thoughts drifted to Jesus describing Himself as "living water."

As the water poured in a steady stream, my thoughts drifted some more. I thought of my daughter, Lauren in Uganda using a bucket for her shower, and how much more will she enjoy a "real" shower when she gets home.

And then I thought about the people she is serving, the people who live there permanently and will only ever have bucket showers. My daughter's team is small part of a year-round ministry to provide these people with a new well (as well as a sustainable farm and a vocational training center). How much more do these people know what the term LIVING water really means. Their lives depend upon the life-giving water from the well.

When Jesus met the woman at the well, He told her "whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."   John 4:14

Thirst is a craving - drinking water quenches our physical need. Jesus, of course, is talking about providing "water" that quenches our soul's needs. Too often, we seek after earthly means to meet those needs: work, relationships, food, drugs, entertainment. But, as Jesus said, these do not satisfy. We will thirst again and again. Only He can truly satisfy our deepest needs.

As with the Samaritan woman at the well, God comes to us where we are. He meets our needs and arouses in us a thirst that can only be quenched by Him. May we respond as she did, "Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty..."

To support the life-giving work in Uganda, contact


quietspirit said...

God has blessed us. We don't know what people in other parts of the world deal with. Thank you for the reminder about water.
Our pastor's daughter has placed her order for her first meal back home. She returns on Friday.

Unknown said...

Beautiful post, Susan! Puts quite a different perspective on things when you stop to think about how others value things that we take for granted (showers, running water, etc.). What a wonderful work your daughter is doing there in Uganda. Can't wait to hear about it! Thanks for the reminder that only Christ can quench the needs of our soul!! God bless you, my friend! :)

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

LOVE your blog Susan, and thanks for this great post!