
All over the country, men and women have just been elected to national, state, county and local government positions. However, none of these newly elected officials will take office for 2 - 3 months. They are legally committed to their new position, but are not officially serving in that office yet.

In the Bible, there was a betrothal period in which the bride and groom had made a binding legal commitment to each other, but were not officially married yet. This is why the Bible says that Joseph considered quietly "divorcing" Mary when she was found to be miraculously pregnant, even though the formal wedding had not yet occurred.

When we become Christians, we are in a betrothal period with our Bridegroom. We are committed to Him, bound to Him, serving Him until such time as our formal wedding to Him takes place. We represent Him here on earth. We are cared for by Him and are under His protection. One day, we will be completely united with Him in glory, but until that time we live this life with Him as our Bridegroom.

Let us keep Him in our thoughts throughout our day, each and every day. Let us experience Him beside us and inside us. Let us live with the joyous expectancy a bride feels as her wedding day approaches. It's a time of preparation and work, but always keeping our focus on the joy set before us.



Anonymous said...

Marriage,is a commitment until death do us part, walking with Jesus is also a commitment and He promises to be with us forever, how awesome is that. I am waiting for the Marrige Supper of the Lamb to celebrate. I love that thought.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

What a wonderful reminder. A committment that I have to keep at the forefront of my life.

There truly are some miraculously wonderful things about being married, aren't there?